Order Transfer Troops

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Transferir tropas.jpg

This order allows a fleet to load or unload troops to a base. It is not possible to transfer troops on neutral or enemy bases. Destination base must belong to the faction.

As in any order, the screen of creating troop transfer order shows the future state of the fleet, so the troops that we will see loaded are the ones that currently have more ones that it plans to load in previous orders, less those that it anticipates download in previous orders. Ex: if the fleet has the troop Milicia1 and Milicia2 and in a previous order has been ordered to unload the Milicia1 troop, at the time of creating a new order, it will be shown as a troop loaded only Milicia2 troop.

Conditions for the execution of the order

The fleet will cancel your orders if any of the following circumstances occur:

Base does not belong to faction
You can only transfer troops between your own fleets and bases
There are programmed troops that are no longer in the fleet or base
If there is a discrepancy between the troops that are planned to load and unload and those that are at the moment of execution in the fleet and the base.

Base or fleet can not accommodate new troops

As a result of previous combat or when uninstalling modules from the base, it is possible that the troop capacity has been reduced.

See also