Category:Fleet orders

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Fleet orders allow you to program a fleet to perform a set of chained orders in the future. The fleet will execute one by one automatically according to the indicated parameters until encountering some type of incident or finish the orders. The results of each order are communicated to the player through the reporting system.

Although there is a specific command to move fleet, if we want a fleet to perform an activity in a different position than it is, it is not necessary to create a previous command to move fleet. Within each order there may be a previous movement that positions the fleet at its destination.

I.e: fleet is at the subsector [12:0]. When you command the fleet to attack a base in the subsector [0: 0] the fleet will move to its destination automatically before executing the command.

Chain orders

When we create a new order, the state of the fleet that is shown to us is the "future state" that indicates the load it will have, the troops it will have and its position.

Ex: our fleet has 400 units of metals and is in the position [12: 0] of the system. We create a new order to transfer goods in which the fleet must unload 150 units of metals in a subsector base [5: 0]. While the fleet is moving to process your order, we can create new orders to process them next. If we enter the screen to transfer goods to another base, the state that would show of our fleet would be the one that will have at the end of its previous position, that is to say: position [5: 0] and load 250 units of metals.

It is possible to chain several orders that can be processed for hours or days.

See also