Object:Zeus cannon

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Zeus cannon
Zeus cannon
Category Space weapon
Mass 1500
Value 1000000
Volumen 100

Space weapons are the modules that are used to provide firepower to a base or ship. During a space combat, the units use these weapons to cause damage to the enemy.

The Zeus cannon projects a jet of particles that reaches 75 million degrees Celsius. There is no known material that is capable of withstanding a direct impact.

Installation requirements

Power {{{power}}}
Personnel {{{personnel}}}
Space {{{space}}}

Resources needed

Metales.png Metals 50
Silicatos.png Silicates 60
Compuestos c.png Carbon compounds 60
Gases inertes.png Inert gases 100
Agua.png Water 60
Radioisótopos.png Radioisotopes 15
Tierras raras.png Rare earths 20