Object:Orion 3000A

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Orion 3000A
Orion 3000A
Category Thruster
Tecnology Orion 3000A thrusters
Mass 1500
Value 7645
Volumen 100

Thrusters allow ships to move through a system. The greater the relationship between its thrust and the mass of the ship, the greater the speed of the ship.

Installation requirements

Power {{{power}}}
Personnel {{{personnel}}}
Space {{{space}}}

Resources needed

Metales.png Metals 85
Silicatos.png Silicates 15
Compuestos c.png Carbon compounds 90
Gases inertes.png Inert gases 15
Agua.png Water 15
Radioisótopos.png Radioisotopes 10
Tierras raras.png Rare earths 5