Object:Fighter hangar III

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Fighter hangar III
Fighter hangar III
Category Fighter hangar
Tecnology Fighter hangars III
Mass 2100
Value 27736
Volumen 100

Fighter hangars provide a squadron of single-seater or two-seater ships capable of causing massive damage on bases or capital ships.

The fighter hangars allow squadrons of fighters to be stored in order to be used in combat.

Installation requirements

Power {{{power}}}
Personnel {{{personnel}}}
Space {{{space}}}

Resources needed

Metales.png Metals 160
Silicatos.png Silicates 30
Compuestos c.png Carbon compounds 300
Gases inertes.png Inert gases 100
Radioisótopos.png Radioisotopes 70
Tierras raras.png Rare earths 50