Object:500G Shield

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500G Shield
500G Shield
Category Shield generator
Tecnology Shields 500G
Mass 2000
Value 107933
Volumen 100

Shield generators produce a plasma field that absorbs or deflects the shots. The generators increase the total shield capacity of the ship or base. The shield has a total absorption capacity, once exhausted, the damage begins to transfer to the structure of the object.

Installation requirements

Power {{{power}}}
Personnel {{{personnel}}}
Space {{{space}}}

Resources needed

Metales.png Metals 120
Silicatos.png Silicates 120
Compuestos c.png Carbon compounds 120
Gases inertes.png Inert gases 200
Agua.png Water 120
Tierras raras.png Rare earths 200
Perovskita.png Perovskite 200
Gravitonio.png Gravitonium 200