Command Center (Page)

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The command center screen shows the most relevant information for the faction in a centralized way. All important events are visible from this screen. It is divided into three regions:


It shows the events that have occurred in the galaxy (visible to all players) and the events in systems (they are only visible by those factions that have a presence in that system because they have a base at least). The events inform about the discovery of new resources, changes in pirate activity or even rumors.


They show events that happened to our faction or communications from our bases, fleets or production plants. They can include extra detailed information about combats, espionage missions, etc ...

The reports can be stored or deleted once read. There is a maximum capacity of reports that can be stored.


It shows relevant information about states that are occurring at this time and that require our attention as hostile fleets sighted or production plants stopped.

The warnings will disappear only once they have been resolved.