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Manufacturable yes
Planetary base yes
Space station yes
Ship no

Barracks are military installations where troops are trained. In addition to being productive facilities, the barracks provide troop capacity to the base.

If the base where the barracks is located does not have the equipment with which the unit is to be equipped, the barracks are capable of producing it. This will increase the resource consumption to produce the unit and the total time.

The most advanced quarters have a superior production capacity, greatly reducing the total production time. This is especially important for producing advanced types of troops and equipment.

List of objects

Name Power Personnel Space Production Install Installation time Troop capacity Estructure Production Module production Maintenance
Military barracks 50 40 200 24m 18m 3h 15 1,200 1.25 1 50
Advance barracks 50 40 200 24m 18m 3h 20 1,200 1.5 1 60
Recruitment center 50 40 200 18m 6m 1h 10 1,200 1 1 20

Name Metales.png Silicatos.png Compuestos c.png Gases inertes.png Agua.png Radioisótopos.png Tierras raras.png Perovskita.png Neutronio.png Beurita.png Gravitonio.png Plasma Lambda.png Xenobiomasa.png
Military barracks 90 90 100 30 100
Advance barracks 90 90 100 50 150
Recruitment center 45 50 100 30 70